Lavis (from Fr. lavis – wash) – a kind of aquatint. Known since the 1780s. The drawing is applied by needle etching. The tonality is obtained by etching with acid, which is applied to the board with a brush. The boundaries of the tone spot are sharply defined. The print of Lavis resembles a work executed in watercolor. Lavis is very close to aquatint in terms of its external visual characteristics, but differs from it in watercolors of a tone spot, softness and fuzziness of outlines. Like aquatint, Lavis is used in combination with other etchings, for example, with a dry needle. The technique allows you to get no more than 30 quality prints from one board.
Zuev Alexey. Lada. Molodetsky Kurgan – Reservazh Reservazh (from French réservage) is a type of etching. The reserve first appeared in France in the second half of the 19th century. Continue reading